Tuesday, March 16, 2010

An event at HITEX

Dear All,

      Last weekend there was an event at HITEX, Hyderabad organized by IT/ITes Association of AP to showcase the start ups from Hyderabad. We had put up a demo stall to showcase our start up. We are very glad to inform you all that we received tremendous response for the demo stall. Unlike many stalls that had just put some computers and explained the concept, we had actually put the artworks (framed) and even sold the artworks to show them how this entire thing works. We had put up a Flash presentation explaining our concept in a Dell laptop and also a gallery showing our artworks in a MAC computer. This is the closest we are able to go to the real business. Some 7 people purchased artworks there and we got some 4-5 bulk order expression of interest. Many people who visited the stall liked the innovativeness of the concept. The beauty about this idea is that though the concept we are selling looks very simple, the thought process behind designing this concept is very complex. It involves all the economic principles present. I believe if this concept works, it creates a disruption in the art industry. We strive to make it work and we need all your support to make it work. 

Here are some pictures from the event -

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