Monday, January 25, 2010

India at 60th Republic Day

Digital Artworks wishes everyone a happy and jubilant Republic Day. Here is some information which DAW feels worth sharing with every Indian concerned.

The month of January creates an aura of patriotism as Republic Day of India falls in this month. It was on 26th January, 1950 that Republic of India was formed and the Constitution of India came into force. Republic Day reminds us of the fulfillment of the pledge that was made on the midnight of Independence as a "tryst with destiny".

This day also marks the recognition that we Indians thrive in a sovereign, secular, and democratic land that stands for the principles of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity, the golden words that form the essence of our Preamble.

The Spirit of Republic Day
The real spirit behind such a grand celebration is not only to celebrate India's secularism and democracy but also to make every Indian feel proud of our rich culture, languages, dialects, traditions, customs and religions that makes India a marvelous mutti-cultural country. Let's all come together and feel proud, identify ourselves as true Indians, and not to a particular religion or caste. Let's take a pledge deep inside our hearts to promote one feeling, one religion and one thought: of Being a true Indian.
Republic Day is celebrated with much enthusiasm throughout the country. The patriotic fervor of every Indian on this day brings the whole country united. Republic Day is celebrated all over the country at all the administrative units like the capital cities, district headquarters, sub divisions, talukas, and panchayats with the same enthuse and vibe.
To honour the occasion, a grand celebration is held at New Delhi, the national capital. The celebrations begin with spectacular presentation projecting India's military prowess. The President of India - External website that opens in a new window unfurls the National Flag, followed by the National Anthem. The different regiments of Army, Navy and Air Force march in-synchrony from Rashtrapati Bhavan, along the Rajpath and reach the India Gate saluting the President of India, who is also the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces.
This is followed by a massive parade by other military troops including State Regiments and Paramilitary Forces of India. A spectacular presentation from different parts of the country representing different folk dances, festivals, historical locations is displayed next. Children from various schools present folk dances from different States in picturesque costumes marking the cultural unity of India. Cultural events and traditional folk dances create an ambience of merriment and enthusiasm. Soldiers who have performed exceptionally are awarded the bravery medals, Param Veer Chakra, Veer Chakra and Maha Veer Chakra. National Bravery Awards are given to children who have performed outstanding deeds of bravery and selfless sacrifice. A streak of jet planes of Indian Air Force; leave a trial of coloured smoke, showering rose petals on the spectators marking the end of the grand day.
Beating the Retreat
Beating The Retreat officially denotes the end of Republic Day festivities. All important Government Buildings are beautifully decorated with lights every evening from 26th to 29th. Beating the Retreat ceremony is conducted on the evening of January 29, the third day after the Republic Day. The ceremony starts by the massed bands of the three services marching in unison, playing popular marching tunes.
The drummers also give a solo performance (known as the Drummer's Call). Followed by this the drummers play Abide With Me (which is also said to be GandhiJi's favourite) and the chimes made by the tubular bells, placed quite at a distance, create a mesmerising ambience.
This is followed by the bugle call for Retreat, the band master then marches to the President and requests permission to take the bands away, and informs that the closing ceremony is now complete. The bands march back playing a popular martial tune Saare Jahan Se Achcha.
At exactly 6 pm, the buglers sound the retreat and the National Flag is lowered, and the National Anthem is sung, bringing the Republic Day celebrations to a formal end.

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