Friday, January 29, 2010

Subhash Babu's life Part 3

Career as an artist took a back seat as Subhash Babu had to concentrate on teaching role and a little time left for him to think over his artistic elegance. He wasn't able to fulfill his mission of achieving quality and precision while in school. He taught school boys under 15 the basics of nature study, composition, object drawing and linocut and wood cut printing. He managed to copy Ajanta paintings under the guidance of Vidyabhushan and implemented it on 6'x12' canvas. The very painting series was adorned in the HPS Assembly Hall. His creativity amused everyone as he gave life to "Garden in the School", "School children playing", Wood cut printings drawn with eight colors, "Beggars", "Farmer's family", "the well", to name a few. Lalita Kala Akademi honored him in 1978 for his marvelous wood cut artwork. It's no surprise that his "farmer's family" garlanded Salar Jhung Museum too.

Thota Vaikuntam, another celebrated artist, says he could find only one artist who can make wood cut printing with such promise and it was none other than Subhash Babu. Many wonder how he could leave the profession that offered much promise.

'True, it would have been something else had I continued in the same art of woodcut printing. There was a great encouragement and support from a doyen like Lakshma Goud. In 1981 when I exhibited the one man show, a second time, my woodcut printing was more attractive than the Jaipur Fresco, Italian Fresco and wooden pieces masks. The street scene I carved in woodcut was quite exciting to many visitors. The walls that rose between the poor and rich, the gates fixed in between them are bound to fall. That was what I suggested in them. Anyhow the woodcut work is a strenuous work, which takes days and months. There is no possibility for miniatures in them...” says Subhash Babu.

The unfortunate arrest during the dark days of emergency deeply wounded Subhash Babu both physically and mentally. He was worried about the future of his kids. He received a jolt in 1978 in the form of demise of his guide and philosopher, and his beloved father, Sri Nagabhushanachary,. His aunt who extended a great support in looking after the family also passed away a little later. He was left alone to take up the responsibility of the entire family. It was during this period that the picture of America being made after war was drawn by him earned him bread and butter.

Subhash Babu creates opportunities to the art itself and it was a blessing in disguise for thousands of youngsters who were trained under his master brain.

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